Özgür Gündem Dungeon read from hand to hand



AMED – Women in Mardin Prison have created Özgür Gündem Dungeon against oppression on the press. The second issue of the Özgür Gündem Dungeon reached to Dicle University students. “It gives us great hope and excitement,” said the student who read the newspaper.

Female political prisoners in Mardin E Type Closed Prison published the second issue of handmade Özgür Gündem Dungeon against the closure of media outlets, in particular Özgür Gündem daily. The second issue, which was prepared with great effort, has been read with great appreciation by Dicle University students. The students said the newspaper gave them hope with its drawings and writings and continued, “We had a great excitement when we read it. It gives us hope. We greet the struggle of female prisoners.”

The students also said, “We know well what a woman can do against every difficulty. This newspaper is the most concrete example of what she does. They give us hope and excitement while they need them. They show us what women can do between the four walls. We greet their struggle and as female university student, we promise them to stand up for their struggle.”