Mobilization decision from Kurdish political member orgs



AMED – All Kurdish member organizations gathered in Amed with the motto, “Let’s organize with the spirit of mobilization, win by resisting,” led by the DTK, KJA, DBP and HDP. “We declare a total mobilization of resistance against the last genocidal aggressions. Today is the day, we will win or lose one another century,” said the organizations.

Nearly a thousand Kurdish politicians gathered in Diyarbakır with the leadership of the DTK (Democratic Society Congress), KJA (Free Women's Congress), DBP (Democratic Regions' Party) and HDP (Peoples' Democratic Party) and discussed the developments in Middle East, Kurdistan and Turkey. The DTK Co-chairs Leyla Güven and Hatip Dicle, the DBP Co-chairs Sebahat Tuncel and Kamuran Yüksek, the HDP CO-chair Selahattin Demirtaş, co-mayors and the representatives and administrators of all organizations in Kurdistan attended the meeting held in Kayapınar Sport Center and took important decisions.

‘There is a great chaos’

In the final declaration of the meeting held with the motto, “Let’s organize with the spirit of mobilization, win by resisting,” noted that the responsibilities weren’t fulfilled in the self-government period and self-criticisms were made. In the declaration indicated that there is a new sharing and chaos in the Middle East and noted that, “no power and people can stay out of this struggle, which is defined as World War II and mustn’t. Our country Kurdistan is located in the heart of the Middle East, the ongoing war. It is more in our power than ever before to eliminate the threats of massacres caused by the war and determine our freedom and status by evaluating the opportunities that have been created.

The declaration reads as follows;

*As the organized will of the Kurdish people, we declare a total mobilization of resistance against the last genocidal aggressions.

*The only way against total attack concept is the total resistance with the spirit of mobilization. For this, we are launching an organization and action move with our people for a great resistance and victory.
*Those cannot fulfill the leading role and insist on their personal agenda in this historical period will pay a very heavy price before history. The task of leading is to be persistent and self-sacrificing how the people are.

*Our call to our patriotic people, all democratic groups and those have faith is; they should take their part against this fascist wave by standing by this resistance.

*Our call to the people standing by the AKP with whatever reasons is; they should stand by the struggle of the Kurdish people by leaving the side of state’s persecution immediately.

*As a conclusion, today is the day; we will win or lose one another century, our moral, political and social responsibility and historical duties against colonial aggression order us to resist not bow down.
