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The architects of Revolution tell 4 years of Rojava (1)

Dosya Haber
July 16 / 2016


Women form new life in Rojava
NEWS CENTER- Thousands of women like Slav, Arîn, Ivanalardan Gulanlara, Sibel and Peyman lead Rojava Revolution step by step. As Rojava Revolution turns four, women, who lead the revolution, have become a new model to the world by organizing every area of life, including self-defense and diplomacy. 
Kurdish people those who live in Syria, show the largest resistance of history even if they had to live under pressure of Baath regime for years. Kurdish people in Rojava are intent on forming their own system against all pressures. They began to rebuild work on the basis of democratic autonomy in July 19, 2012. Kurdish people in Rojava have taken their work by the throat while fighting for humanity. Meanwhile, women have institutionalized in many cities by forming asayish, public councils, cooperatives, women's foundations, women's communes, women's organizations, courts, public houses, houses of culture and art, youth homes, women's ministries and women's academies. Armenians, Assyrians, Arabs and Syriacs have taken their part in these institutions and they have begun to build together step by step. This system formed under the leadership of women call as "Rojava Revolution is women's revolution" all over the world. That's first time; the world has witnessed a revolution carried out under the leadership of women.
Women's Ministries
There is a paragraph in Article 27 of Rojava Social Contract reads, "Women have right to life in every part of life such as social, political, cultural" and "Women have right to refuse and end all kind of gender discrimination by applying self-defense" reads in Article 28 of Rojava Social Contract. There are Women's Ministries in Cizîr, Afrîn and Kobanê Cantons. The ministries consist of five units named the department of finance, children's rights, projects, legislative and non-legislatve relations. The budget of Ministries is determined by the cantons. All employees of the women's ministries are women in the cantons where multi-lingual works carried out. All women organizations offer their opinion advice to the women's ministries which are open to civilian control.Women's Ministries are moving partners with women's organizations. 
Women become conscious with Kongra Star
All women carry out works in all formations in Syria have tried to solve women's problems. Women have open communes in every part of Rojava under the leadership of Kongra Star. Women have formed their committees and coulcil in each commune. They have empowered Rojava women's struggle in all works such as political, intellectual, self-defense. Kongra Star has formed education areas in each part of Rojava in order to empower women. 
Women's communes formed
Another women's important work is communes. Women have formed women's communes by holding meetings in neighborhoods, villages and streets. Women's communes are a very important work for Rojava people against gangs' attacks. And, women's problems have been solved in these communes. Women can build their own projects and develop their ecomony in these communes. 
Women guarantee their acquirements with HPC
Social Defense Force (HPC), that founded by decision taken in a conference held in Rojava on March 2015, has guaranteed women's acquirements. Following the conference, Social Defense Force (HPC) has been decided to be founded in every canton. They give military and ideological training to everyone. 
Women's Academies opened
Women have increased their works against violence against women, being killed, suicide, and torture and women traffic. Kongra Star has opened women's academies in many part of Rojava in order to carry out women's struggle for the creation of political and moral society. 
Women have continued to carry out works in many other areas such as native-language education, diplomacy, self-defense, co-chairs system. 