Figen Yüksekdağ: Women will win!


ANKARA – HDP General Co-chair Figen Yüksekdağ sent a message to Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK) Women’s General Assembly meeting to be held in Ankara today and said, “Woman means the power and construction of New Life. We will never give up our women’s solidarity and smile while resisting. Women will win.”
Today, the Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK) is holding the 7th Women’s General Assembly meeting at Tüm Bel Sen Central Office in Ankara. The message sent by the Peoples’ Democratic People (HDP) Co-chair Figen Yüksekdağ was read. The message is as follows;
“It is obvious what the palace means by saying the new Turkey: a new dictatorship! But first of all, they have to break women’s will and resistance. They know that very well. We, as women, will not allow this. Woman means the power and construction of New Life. And we are building this power in the streets, factories, prisons, parliament and everywhere and we will continue to build. We will never give up our women’s solidarity and smile while resisting. Women will win.”
Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK) Women’s General Assembly has continued with speeches. The final declaration will be announced after the meeting.