Governorate bans the sit-in protest of Peace Mothers


ISTANBUL – The sit-in protest of the Peace Mothers Istanbul Assembly in front of Dolmabahçe Palace has been banned by Governorate.
Peace Mothers Istanbul Assembly members have gathered in front of Dolmabahçe Palace and held a sit-in protest by demanding freedom the PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and a return to Dolmabahçe Agreement. Peace Mothers wanted to gather in front of Dolmabahçe Palace for 54th time; however police didn’t allow them by saying, “The governorate banned the protest” and forced the members to leave Dolmabahçe. Thereupon, Peace Mothers went to the Governor’s building and demanded to meet with the governor; however they demand was refused. Peace Mothers held a sit-in at the entrance of the building in order to protest the situation.