Efrîn civilians wounded in Turkish army attack



EFRİN/SHEHBA – Turkish army attacked civilians, who protested border violation of Turkish army, in Sorke village of Efrîn. According to reports received, civilians have been wounded in the attack. Turkish army and affiliated groups are bombing Shehba region with tank, mortar and howitzer fire.

Recently, Turkish army tried to cross the border in the Sorke village of Efrîn Canton and they had to withdraw upon the resistance of people. The citizens in Sorke and around villages flocked to the border while the Turkish army’s activity increased in the morning. According to reports of JINHA reporter in the area; Turkish soldiers opened fire on civilians, who protested the situation and civilians have been wounded in the attack.

The tension and the resistance of the people continue in the area.

Bombardment on Shehba

Turkish army and affiliated groups are bombing Shehba region with tank, mortar and howitzer fire. According to reports received, Turkish army and affiliated groups are also shelling the Til-Madîq village, liberated yesterday by Revolutionary Forces, mortar and howitzer fire. Meanwhile, the occupying forces are shelling the villages of Til-Çîçan, Hesiye, Um-Hoş, Um-Qura, Herbel and Şêx Îsa to the east of Til-Madîq with rockets and mortars.

Intense aerial activity over the region continues.
